Onboarding Best Practices in a Remote Work Environment

The way you integrate a new hire into your organization has a huge impact on that employee’s motivation and engagement.

Done well, onboarding helps new employees understand expectations, attitudes, tools, policies, and processes. It also helps them develop a sense of connection and camaraderie with both their team and the larger organization.

But that’s not easy to accomplish when people are working from home.

Team members who don’t share the same physical space aren’t able to absorb company culture and norms organically. They can’t just shadow a colleague all day and drop in on casual conversations around the water cooler.

So how can you help remote employees get set up for success right from the get-go?

Check out these best practices for virtual onboarding.

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Cultivating Rapport With Mediation Clients: 4 Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Updated January 2023

It's quite possible that opposing parties of a mediation will not trust each other. Whatever issue has brought them to this process, you can assume both sides are feeling anxious and have their walls up.

This is why it's so crucial that all participants be able to trust you, the mediator. You are the one objective individual at the negotiation table—the stable centre in the midst of all those swirling emotions, expectations, and uncertainty.

From the very first point of contact until the issue at hand has been resolved, the mediator must earn and maintain the trust of his or her clients. One of the key ways mediators accomplish this is by cultivating rapport, putting participants at ease, and establishing an atmosphere of cooperation.

But in their eagerness to build rapport, mediators sometimes stumble into traps. Take a look at four common mistakes to avoid when you're seeking to connect with your clients.

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Supporting Mental Health at Work: Strategies for a Post-Pandemic World

Employee mental health has been a core part of occupational health and safety (OHS) for many years. But the issue really took centre stage when COVID came along.

According to government surveys, 1 in 5 Canadian adults were dealing with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder in the fall of 2020. By the spring of 2021, that was up to 1 in 4.

Mental health has a huge impact on worker productivity. Depression, anxiety, and stress can make it difficult for people to focus or make decisions. That often leads to poor performance, absenteeism, and turnover.

Now more than ever, supporting the mental health of workers is a business imperative.

So what can OHS leaders do to create a psychologically safe and healthy work environment?

Here are a few strategies.

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HR Course for New Managers: Meet the Instructor, Explore the Training

New managers are often on their own when it comes to navigating minefields like hiring, firing, and employee relations. And a misstep in any of these areas can have a serious impact on a business.

That’s why Kompass developed the Human Resources Management certificate. It’s designed to give new managers the tools and skills they need to embrace their new challenges with confidence.

Instructor Debra Wilson has 25 years of experience in numerous aspects of the human resources field.

We spoke with her recently to see what students can expect from the HR course and how the field is growing and changing.

Here’s what she had to say.

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How to Be a Better Virtual Leader: 7 Tips

Remote work is rapidly becoming the new norm. And as many managers have discovered, leading a virtual team is not the same as leading an on-site group.

You’re still responsible for managing performance and helping your team reach its goals. But managing from afar requires a slightly different approach.

In today’s increasingly remote-first environment, getting the best from your employees means adapting the way you communicate and collaborate.

But what exactly does that mean? What can you do to become a more effective virtual leader?

Start by following these seven tips.

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Workplace Conflict Resolution: 7 Clear Steps to Resolve Disputes

Updated January 2023

When people spend a significant amount of time together, conflicts are sure to arise. And when you add the pressures and stresses of the workplace, disputes become not only inevitable, but costly.

A global study from 2008 found that on average, employees spend roughly 2.1 hours each week dealing with conflicts at work. That equates to approximately one day each month in lost productivity.

The study also found that letting such disputes go unaddressed can lead to personal attacks, physical sicknesses, and project failures.

That's why workplace conflict resolution is a key area for mediation. A growing number of business leaders are using mediation to resolve corporate conflicts and restore harmony at the office.

Whether you’re an aspiring mediator, HR professional, or business manager, there are proven mediation techniques you can use to defuse conflicts and build a healthier work environment.

Start by following these seven key steps.

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5 Good Reasons to Become a Mediator (& How to Get Started)

Updated January 2023

People come to the practice of mediation from all walks of life and professional backgrounds.

It's not just lawyers who become mediators. Anyone with an interest in alternative dispute resolution, strong communication skills, and sharp problem-solving abilities can excel in this career.

Considering this path?

In this post, we're exploring some of the best reasons to become a mediator. These are the most common motivators for the students we work with in mediation training—and a good introduction to what the field is all about.

At the end of the post, we've included some information on how to earn a professional mediator designation, and key things to know about the training process. Let's get started!

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What Exactly Do You Learn in Family Mediation Training?

Family mediation training focuses on giving students the tools to help families settle disputes without going through litigation.

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5 of the Fastest Growing HR Careers in Canada

Updated December 2022

The field of human resources encompasses some of the most important functions in today’s businesses: attracting and retaining talent, fostering employee development, and resolving internal conflicts.

Increasingly, it also includes collaborating with senior managers to set corporate policy and ensure workforces are set up to align with business goals.

And as companies look to navigate the operational and labour market changes wrought by the pandemic, the need for skilled HR professionals is growing.

So which specific roles are on the rise? What HR careers are seeing the most rapid growth across Canada?

Keep reading to explore five of the top options.

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Inside Look at Arbitration Training with Instructor, Andy Livingston

Photo: Andy Livingston, CEO of Dexterity Consulting and arbitration instructor at Kompass

Over the last few years there's been a considerable uptick in demand for alternative dispute resolution services like arbitration and mediation.

The pandemic has only accelerated this trend as people look to settle their conflicts outside of court.

And lawyers aren't the only ones pursuing careers in ADR.

People from diverse professional backgrounds are taking mediation and arbitration training to better handle workplace disputes - or set up private ADR practices.

This week we spoke with Andy Livingston, a social sciences graduate turned certified ADR professional, who runs a private practice and teaches arbitration training at Kompass.

Andy walks us through the online arbitration certificate and explains different pathways to becoming an arbitrator in Canada.

Think you might be interested in this course? Read on for an inside look.

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