All Student-services Posts

The Importance of Career Counselling

Jul 25, 2024 12:06:21 PM

Feeling stuck in an unsatisfying job or overwhelmed by the vast ocean of career options? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with finding the right path in the ever-changing world of work.

Whether you’re a student contemplating your future, a professional seeking advancement, or an adult considering a career change, making informed decisions is crucial. And that’s where career counselling comes in.

In this blog, we explore how career counselling can help you identify your strengths, set realistic career goals, and navigate the job market effectively.

Student Support Services: A Word About History

May 25, 2023 11:57:46 AM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

We are all products of a particular time in history. Everyone has a past, a present, and, hopefully, a happy and healthy future. One of the most enduring quotes worthy of mention here is that “those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.”

Student Support Services: Leaning on Others

Apr 18, 2023 12:06:36 PM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

Our students enter the college at different stages of their lives. While there are younger adults who have moved from high school straight to Herzing, many others are returning to education having been away from formal schooling for long periods of time.

One of the first things to consider (regardless of which stage of life you find yourself at) is the following question: “Do I have a support network around me that I can turn to when necessary?” There are many different responses from students when they are faced with this question.

Student Support Services: Mindful Behaviour

Mar 1, 2023 9:31:42 AM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

In this time of rapid change, it is important to take stock of the choices we make and the behaviours we display.

It is rare that a day goes by when we are not exposed to new ways of doing things as we navigate our way through life in 2023. As I have been known to say from time to time, “The only constant is change.”

Student Support Services: The Time is Now

Jan 11, 2023 11:42:31 AM

By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

Welcome to 2023. The passage of time reminds us that life is fragile and unpredictable. Mental health experts caution that while there are always things going on that are troubling, we must all strive to stay in the moment and appreciate what we have.

Student Support Services: The Real Value of Education

Nov 23, 2022 3:01:57 PM

By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

The pursuit of post-secondary education is always a good thing. But there are numerous challenges for students to overcome as they move through their chosen program of study.

As someone who once walked in those shoes, I can report that the benefits of education can and should last a lifetime.

Student Support Services: Establishing Healthy Personal Boundaries

Oct 13, 2022 1:51:35 PM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

Unless we opt to live on an isolated island, we will experience many relationships throughout our lifetimes. These include family, significant others, friends, classmates, colleagues, and a host of other acquaintances. Navigating these relationships can pose challenges.

Student Support Services: Looking Inward

Sep 12, 2022 2:31:16 PM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

While it may seem that there is a quick fix for everything these days, maintaining one’s sense of well-being is an ongoing process that requires effort. Introspection is defined as the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Student Support Services: Looking After Yourself

Aug 8, 2022 12:31:09 PM

By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

The concept of self-care is a much-discussed topic both in academic circles and in wider society. In fact, never has it been more common for professionals, students, families, friends, and colleagues to talk about things we can all do to protect our well-being.

Student Support Services: Embracing Optimism

Jul 4, 2022 9:35:13 AM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

Given the abundance of negative messages that we consume on a daily basis, I would like to suggest that there are ways to craft our own personal perspectives on the world in which we live.

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