Meet Rosanna: Bioethicist & Intergenerational Mediation Instructor

Intergenerational mediation is about helping families navigate disputes between different generations, often related to inheritance, healthcare decisions, or changing family roles. It fosters understanding, preserves relationships, and ensures that all voices—especially those of older adults—are heard and respected.

Rosanna Macri knows this well. She is an accredited intergenerational mediator with a diverse background in both bioethics and conflict management. She has many years of experience helping families navigate complex conversations with empathy and clarity, and now she is sharing that expertise with students at Kompass.

We spoke with Rosanna recently to learn about her educational journey, the types of disputes she encounters, and her focus for the Intergenerational Mediation certificate program.

Here are the highlights of that conversation.

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Meet Dora Dang: ADR Instructor and Family Law Specialist

Navigating family disputes and relationship breakdowns is fraught with challenges and takes a special touch. Few people understand that better than new Kompass instructor Dora Dang.

Dora has over 20 years of experience as a mediator, arbitrator, facilitator, coach, and instructor. She also has her own company, Leap Divorce Solutions, that focuses on mediation arbitrations and financial analysis for divorce.

We connected with Dora recently to learn more about her and what she brings to the alternative dispute resolution programs at Kompass. Here’s how that conversation went.

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Will AI Ever Fully Replace Human Mediators?

Artificial intelligence is disrupting many fields previously thought off-limits to automation, and dispute resolution is no exception. AI can summarize cases, predict outcomes, even facilitate negotiations. But can it replace human mediators entirely?

In this post, we look at the capabilities of AI in mediation. We explore current AI technologies and their applications in conflict resolution. We also consider the limits of AI in replicating complex human emotional intelligence and ethical decision making. And we share some expert opinions on the possibility of AI taking over from human mediators.

Here’s what you need to know.

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Embracing Cultural Diversity in Intergenerational Mediation

Updated June 2024

Mediators who focus on resolving disputes involving older adults and their families, friends, and caregivers may find themselves working with clients from diverse backgrounds. That presents unique challenges and requires specific skills.

Being culturally competent is key to success. But what exactly does that mean? And how can mediators create a respectful and inclusive process for everyone involved?

In this post, we explore the significance of cultural diversity in intergenerational mediation, highlighting how mediators can navigate and leverage cultural differences to resolve conflicts effectively.

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Meet Mediation and Arbitration Instructor Rola Mustafa

Rola Mustafa began her career as a lawyer, but quickly recognized the value of addressing conflicts in a non-adversarial way. Her passion for alternative dispute resolution led her to pursue accreditation in mediation from multiple organizations. She also became a certified global trainer and has coached dozens of mediators in both Canada and Syria.

Now, she brings all that expertise to Kompass as an instructor in the mediation, family mediation, and arbitration certificate programs.

We spoke with Rola this week to learn more about her background and what prospective ADR students should know. Read on for the highlights.

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An Inside Look at OAFM: What Family Mediators Should Know

If you’re interested in family mediation in Ontario, chances are you’ve heard of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation (OAFM). Established in 1982, it is the largest accrediting body of family mediators in the province.

Mediation is not technically a regulated field. However, becoming accredited through OAFM can give you more professional credibility and greater employment opportunities. You must be accredited to take part in court-connected mediation services, for example.

To learn more about the organization and get answers to common student questions about family mediation, we spoke with OAFM Executive Director Mary-Anne Popescu.

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Intergenerational Mediation: A Growing Specialty Within ADR

Updated June 2024

Suppose an elderly mother has cognitive challenges due to a stroke and her adult children fear she isn’t safe at home anymore. Or the son of a senior suspects the older man’s new romantic partner is taking advantage of him financially. These are difficult conversations that can lead to ruptured relationships.

That’s where intergenerational mediation comes in. Also known as elder mediation, it’s a form of alternative dispute resolution that focuses on conflicts concerning older adults. Skilled mediators provide a forum for older people and their loved ones to air their worries and begin charting a path forward.

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Kompass Can Train You for Your Q.Med! Here's How

Mediation is not a regulated field in Canada. There is no specific degree, diploma, or certificate you must have to start a career in mediation.

That said, most successful mediators have earned designations through the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC)—the country’s leading alternative dispute resolution organization.

If you’re just starting out in the field, you’re probably aiming for the Qualified Mediator (Q.Med) designation. This is ADRIC’s entry-level credential, and you don’t need any professional mediation experience to earn it.

You do, however, need to meet certain educational criteria. And that’s where Kompass can help. Our accredited courses fulfill the basic and specialized mediation training components, so you can be fully prepared to get your Q.Med.

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Your Guide to Mediation and Arbitration Designations in Canada

Updated September 2023

Mediation and arbitration are not currently regulated in Canada, this means you don't have to hold a designation to practise as a mediator or arbitrator in Canada. However, earning a designation from the well-respected ADR Institute of Canada will give you credibility as a professional in the field.

You should also know that family mediation is treated differently than other forms of alternative dispute resolution. If you want to provide court-connected family mediation services, you typically need to become certified through an organization like Family Mediation Canada or the Ontario Association for Family Mediation.

In this post, we take you through the different designations that are available from each organization, what it takes to earn them, and how Kompass can help.

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Becoming a Mediator or Arbitrator in Ontario? What to Know About ADRIO

The field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is not regulated in Canada. There is no official body that governs the conduct of ADR professionals.

However, the ADR Institute of Ontario (ADRIO) plays a key role in setting educational and ethical standards for mediators and arbitrators throughout the province. Membership is voluntary, but comes with a number of benefits.

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