Top 8 Ways to Advance Your HR Career

Are you eager to take on a new challenge in your human resources career? Ironically, HR professionals spend much of their time helping employees with their career development, but they often neglect to devote the same care and attention to their own advancement.

The good news is that there are concrete steps you can take to improve your HR skills, impress your boss, and get where you want to go.

Read on for eight practical tips on how to advance your HR career.

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Diversity & Inclusion Certificate: Meet the Instructor, Explore the Course

Over the last few years, we've seen a tremendous increase in corporate training programs in diversity and inclusion. Leaders are finally recognizing the critical importance of fostering a genuinely inclusive workplace culture.

The problem is, management often lacks the skillset and knowledge needed to recruit, nurture, and retain a diverse workforce.

Pamela Perez has built a career around helping companies navigate this challenging process. She has a proven track record in human resources, with a specialization in diversity and inclusion training, coaching, and consulting.

And now, Pamela has signed on to teach the new Diversity and Inclusion certificate at Kompass Professional Development.

We interviewed her this week to learn more about her background and what skills she'll be teaching in class. Read on for the highlights.

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Mediation Certification in Canada: What Are the Rules & Steps?

Updated April 2023

Considering a career in mediation? Your first priority is to understand the types of mediation certification available in Canada, at both the regional and national levels.

It can get a bit confusing because technically, mediation is not a regulated profession in Canada. There is no legally mandated training or licensing process for mediators.

However, Canada does have a powerful organization that sets clear standards and guidelines for mediator training and professional practice. This organization is called the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada (ADRIC). It encourages mediators and arbitrators to self-regulate by offering a variety of designations that are highly respected across the country.

It comes down to this: if you want to be recognized as a competent mediator, you'll need to earn a designation from the ADR Institute.

So where do you begin? What rules and steps must you follow to become a certified mediator?

In this post, we break down the process from start to finish. Here's what you need to know.

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Workplace Conflict Resolution: 7 Clear Steps to Resolve Disputes

Updated January 2023

When people spend a significant amount of time together, conflicts are sure to arise. And when you add the pressures and stresses of the workplace, disputes become not only inevitable, but costly.

A global study from 2008 found that on average, employees spend roughly 2.1 hours each week dealing with conflicts at work. That equates to approximately one day each month in lost productivity.

The study also found that letting such disputes go unaddressed can lead to personal attacks, physical sicknesses, and project failures.

That's why workplace conflict resolution is a key area for mediation. A growing number of business leaders are using mediation to resolve corporate conflicts and restore harmony at the office.

Whether you’re an aspiring mediator, HR professional, or business manager, there are proven mediation techniques you can use to defuse conflicts and build a healthier work environment.

Start by following these seven key steps.

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5 of the Fastest Growing HR Careers in Canada

Updated December 2022

The field of human resources encompasses some of the most important functions in today’s businesses: attracting and retaining talent, fostering employee development, and resolving internal conflicts.

Increasingly, it also includes collaborating with senior managers to set corporate policy and ensure workforces are set up to align with business goals.

And as companies look to navigate the operational and labour market changes wrought by the pandemic, the need for skilled HR professionals is growing.

So which specific roles are on the rise? What HR careers are seeing the most rapid growth across Canada?

Keep reading to explore five of the top options.

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Inside Look at Arbitration Training with Instructor, Andy Livingston

Photo: Andy Livingston, CEO of Dexterity Consulting and arbitration instructor at Kompass

Over the last few years there's been a considerable uptick in demand for alternative dispute resolution services like arbitration and mediation.

The pandemic has only accelerated this trend as people look to settle their conflicts outside of court.

And lawyers aren't the only ones pursuing careers in ADR.

People from diverse professional backgrounds are taking mediation and arbitration training to better handle workplace disputes - or set up private ADR practices.

This week we spoke with Andy Livingston, a social sciences graduate turned certified ADR professional, who runs a private practice and teaches arbitration training at Kompass.

Andy walks us through the online arbitration certificate and explains different pathways to becoming an arbitrator in Canada.

Think you might be interested in this course? Read on for an inside look.

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Beginner's Guide to Arbitration Careers, Training, and Certificates

Arbitration is one of the most popular forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Similar to a judge, an arbitrator is a neutral third party who hears witnesses and reviews evidence before delivering a judgment that is usually legally binding.

However, arbitration is less formal than courtroom litigation and typically less costly and time-consuming.

And unlike the court system, parties involved in arbitration are allowed to choose their own arbitrator, and can design the process to suit their own needs. That means they can choose the timing and place of the arbitration, as well as who will be present.

Another key benefit of arbitration is privacy. Proceedings are confidential, which is generally considered a major advantage over litigation.

But how does one start a career in arbitration?  What kind of training pathways and certifications are available in Canada?

Here is a simple breakdown of arbitration careers, training options, and professional designations.

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Family Mediator Careers: Explore Practice Areas & Specializations

Updated February 2024

Family mediators help families settle conflicts and disagreements without going to court.

Mediators do not take sides or make decisions. Instead, they help each party understand the other's concerns, explore options, and agree on solutions.

Family mediators are often called in when a couple decides to end their relationship. They help the ex-partners work out arrangements regarding children, property, and finances.

But while divorce is a common family mediator practice area, it's not the only one. In fact, a variety of specializations exist within the field.

In this post, we explore four major practice areas in family mediation—and some helpful information on getting started in this career.

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Is Human Resources a Good Career? Pros, Cons & Things to Consider

Updated January 2024

The field of human resources has transformed quite dramatically over the past few years. We used to think of HR as primarily about handling employee discipline problems, enforcing workplace policies, and hiring/firing people.

But as global business competition grows ever more intense, and new generations join the workforce, we’re seeing a major shift in the reality and perception of HR. 

Human resources professionals are joining strategy sessions with CEOs and other C-suite executives to discuss the growing importance and impact of employee engagement, talent acquisition, and skills development. 

HR has become an essential and integral part of business success, in every sector of the economy. 

Is human resources the right career for you? Consider these key points while making your decision.

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Workplace Safety vs. Workplace Wellness: What's the Difference?

Health and safety managers are tasked with looking out for the physical, mental, and emotional health of staff members at all levels of an organization.

That means more than just avoiding accidents. The most effective health and safety (H&S) plans incorporate both safety and wellness.

But what's the difference between the two?

In a nutshell: Workplace safety initiatives revolve around preventing illness and injury on the job. Everyone is required to follow the rules and non-compliance can have serious consequences.

On the other hand, workplace health and wellness initiatives are aimed at promoting healthy behaviours (including mental health and emotional well-being). These are often voluntary programs, so participation is not mandatory.

Learn which workplace health and safety initiatives fall into each category—and why a good OHS plan must include elements from both.

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