Why Human Resources Training Should Be Mandatory for All Managers

Updated December 2022

How do people become supervisors, team leaders, and department managers?

More often than not, it's through promotion. They've put in the years, worked really hard, and slowly climbed up the corporate ladder.

Promotion through merit is a great thing. The only problem is, it rarely comes with training on how to actually manage people effectively. It can be really difficult to go from being part of the team to leading the team.

What's the best way to recruit and hire candidates? How can you increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover? How should you handle conflicts?

These are all fundamental human resources issues. And they're just a few reasons why basic human resources training should be mandatory for anyone taking on a leadership role.

Here's a closer look at how HR skills help managers succeed.

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Top 6 Human Resources Mistakes Managers Make All the Time

Updated December 2022

Why do employees quit their jobs?

If you look at the research on this, you'll find that almost every single reason is a completely avoidable management mistake.

We're talking about routine blunders caused by lack of human resources training and poor leadership skills.

Why should you care? Because right at this moment, some of your top employees are thinking about quitting or actively seeking a new job.

Losing great employees costs more than just money. It eats up your time, slows productivity, and hurts overall workplace morale.

What are the most common human resources blunders managers are making? Let's start with these six HR sins.

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