Student Support Services: Mindful Behaviour

Mar 1, 2023 9:31:42 AM
By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

In this time of rapid change, it is important to take stock of the choices we make and the behaviours we display.

It is rare that a day goes by when we are not exposed to new ways of doing things as we navigate our way through life in 2023. As I have been known to say from time to time, “The only constant is change.”

Meet Sarah: CSW Grad Lands Ideal Job as Educational Assistant

Mar 1, 2023 9:29:00 AM

When you think of a community services worker, you might picture someone helping out in shelters, halfway houses, or youth centres. A high school classroom probably doesn’t come to mind.

But that’s because you haven’t met Sarah Laham.

Sarah completed Herzing’s Community Services Worker program with a stellar GPA and fully expected to follow the typical CSW career path. Instead, she landed a position as an educational assistant in an Ottawa high school—and found it was exactly where she was meant to be.

Here’s her story.

Top 12 Time Management Tips for Administrative Assistants

Mar 1, 2023 12:00:00 AM

Time management is one of the most important skills of an administrative assistant. After all, you need to be able to juggle many different tasks. Answering phone calls, organizing files, booking meetings and appointments, preparing presentations…the list goes on.

So how can you get everything done without missing a beat or losing your mind?

We’ve put together some practical time management tips for administrative assistants that can help you stay on track.

Meet Naomi: My Review of the Broadcasting Program at Herzing

Feb 23, 2023 9:36:03 AM

After a university experience that didn’t go well and an enjoyable-but-taxing stint as a childcare provider, Naomi Penner knew she wanted something different.

A radio ad for Herzing College caught her attention. Why not pursue a diploma in broadcasting, which she’d been interested in since she was a kid?

This was late 2020, when pandemic restrictions still made traditional classes difficult. Fortunately, Herzing’s program was available online and gave Naomi the flexibility she needed.

She is now the morning show host for Now Country 104.7 and handles social media for three different radio stations in Winnipeg.

We spoke with Naomi recently to learn more about her experience at Herzing and how her career has unfolded since graduation.

The Benefits of a Private Career College

Feb 21, 2023 2:01:36 PM

Private career colleges exist all across Canada and offer an alternative to public community colleges. With job-focused programs that can be completed relatively quickly, private colleges can be an excellent option for people who want to train for a new career or advance in their existing one.

But how are they different from public colleges, and what unique advantages do they offer? Keep reading to learn more about private career colleges and how they can benefit you.

Meet Kehinde: My Experience in Herzing’s Online OHS Program

Feb 15, 2023 9:06:40 AM

When Kehinde Akande came to Canada in 2018, he knew he wanted to pursue additional education.

He already had a chemistry degree and several years of experience in environmental issues, but he was looking to get more into health and safety. After researching several OHS programs, he chose Herzing’s because it was online, flexible, and fast.

It proved to be a good decision. When he graduated in October 2022, he was offered a job as a health and safety advisor—at the same company where he did his internship!

We spoke with Kehinde recently to learn more about his experience. Here’s his story.

Using Technology in Early Childhood Education

Jan 27, 2023 10:48:21 AM

Technology has been playing an ever-larger role in education for years, and the pandemic only served to accelerate the trend.

There’s no doubt that technology has the potential to engage children and advance their learning. But how exactly can it be applied at the preschool and daycare levels? And what are the advantages and challenges that come with that?

In this post, we describe several ways of utilizing technology in early childhood education classrooms—and what you should consider before doing so.

Student Support Services: The Time is Now

Jan 11, 2023 11:42:31 AM

By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

Welcome to 2023. The passage of time reminds us that life is fragile and unpredictable. Mental health experts caution that while there are always things going on that are troubling, we must all strive to stay in the moment and appreciate what we have.

Software Development Program: Meet the Instructor, Explore the Training

Jan 9, 2023 11:02:46 AM

The software development field has changed enormously over the past two decades. Today, there are hundreds of different programming languages for various uses, the focus is on cloud computing, and agile methodologies allow for faster, more collaborative development.

Naresh Nagandla has plenty of first-hand experience with these changes. He’s been working in the software field for more than 15 years, in both development and teaching roles. And he recently became an instructor for the software development program at Herzing College.

We caught up with Naresh to learn more about his career journey and what students can expect from the course.

Here are the highlights of our conversation.

Computer Networking Jobs in 2024

Jan 4, 2023 2:34:00 PM

Just what is computer networking? It’s the practice of connecting devices to share information. And it’s one of the hottest fields around.

Companies have long relied on computer networking experts to design, build, secure, maintain, and support the digital information systems that link employees and customers. But with the enormous shift to remote and hybrid work, the demand for networking professionals has really taken off.

As in any field, computer networking jobs have various levels. To succeed and move up, you need to demonstrate good problem-solving, communication, prioritizing, and teamwork skills. You also need to keep up with rapidly changing technology, such as advances in cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI).

So where could you start out as a total beginner, and what opportunities are there to advance your career?

Keep reading to explore seven different computer networking jobs, from entry-level roles to the most senior positions.

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