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Meet Rebecca: My Review of Herzing's Business Administration Program

Oct 5, 2020 1:26:05 PM

Rebecca Hiebert raised three children on her own. For many years, being a mother was her full-time job. But over the last year or two, those priorities began to change.

Her children grew older and became more independent. Gradually, she found herself with some extra time. And she knew exactly what she wanted to do with it.

Rebecca had always wanted to study business administration. With great determination, she returned to school and earned not one, but two diplomas in business from Herzing College.

8 Reasons Occupational Health & Safety is a Good Career Choice

Sep 4, 2020 9:25:16 AM

Updated February 2024

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a broad industry that focuses on the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of people at work. 

This field includes all aspects of worker health, from workplace harassment to fire prevention and from ergonomics to emergency evacuation procedures. 

OHS professionals are responsible for assessing risks, developing health and safety plans, and delivering training to staff members and management. It’s an incredibly important role, dedicated to protecting lives and helping teams respond appropriately when emergencies strike. 

Considering training to become an OHS professional? Take a look at eight reasons occupational health and safety is a good career choice. 

Is Supply Chain Management a Good Career Choice? 6 Things to Consider

Jun 22, 2020 1:56:56 PM

Updated December 2023

Perhaps a more accurate title for this blog post would be: “Is Supply Chain Management a Good Career Choice...For You.” 

Because “good” is obviously a relative term and there's no easy answer.

Some people choose a career based on demand and salary. Others are looking for a challenge or something they really feel passionate about.

In some cases, fast training is the top priority.

It really depends on how you define "good" and what's important to you. So in this post, we’re covering all the bases.

We’ll break down how the supply chain industry works, training programs, career options, certifications, advancement opportunities, salaries, and required skills. 

Is supply chain management the right career for you? These are the six points you should consider when making your decision.

6 Different Occupational Health and Safety Jobs: Explore Your Options

May 14, 2020 12:01:34 PM

Updated December 2023

This is a good time to begin a career in occupational health and safety (OHS). Government estimates indicate that OHS specialists are expected to remain in high demand in several areas of Canada right through 2025. So what’s driving growth in this field? 

Every year, thousands of Canadians suffer injuries or lose their lives at work. Unsafe work environments are a major problem, not just in construction but across many sectors of our economy. 

What Does an Administrative Assistant Really Do? Top 10 Daily Tasks

Feb 5, 2020 11:18:11 AM

Updated December 2023

Administrative assistant sounds like a fairly straightforward job. Don’t assistants just answer phones, get coffee, and do filing? 

Not exactly. Maybe this job used to be simpler—before the internet, complex office software, and growing demands on business administrators.

But today, administrative assistants play an absolutely vital role in every successful company and organization. Filing and phones are part of the job description, but there’s a lot more to it. 

So why is this role so important, and what does an admin assistant really do? Let’s break down the 10 most common tasks and responsibilities. 

Take a look at what the position involves and see if office administration is the right career for you.

Meet Agnes: Herzing's Accounting Program Got Me My First Job in Canada

Dec 20, 2019 1:17:47 PM

Agnes Perez graduated from Herzing's Accounting and Payroll program in 2019, and got her first full-time job in Canada working on the finance team at Venture Healthcare.

Agnes Perez's story is very similar to many other students at Herzing. She moved to Canada from the Philippines with a good education, but her credentials and work experience were not recognized by Canadian employers.

Back home, she was a successful optometrist with 12 years of professional experience. But Agnes quickly realized that if she wanted a successful career here in Winnipeg, she would have to go back to school and earn a Canadian diploma.

Meet Michelle: My Experience in Herzing's Accounting and Payroll Program

Dec 4, 2019 10:56:33 AM

Michelle Riedner graduated from Herzing's Accounting and Payroll program in 2018, and now works as a Financial Officer for Electra Sign Ltd. in Winnipeg

Michelle Riedner had never even used a computer when she enrolled in the Accounting and Payroll program at Herzing College. She could barely work a mouse or keyboard, and had zero experience with Microsoft Office applications.

Now she's a successful Financial Officer. She uses Excel and QuickBooks on a daily basis, manages files, enters data, and handles a range of computerized accounting and office tasks.

Considering Supply Chain Management? Meet the Teacher, Tour our Program

Nov 21, 2019 12:41:57 PM

William Rapisarda teaches the online Supply Chain Management program at Herzing, and is an Associate Category Manager with Cabela's Canada

We started offering a Supply Chain Management program at Herzing a couple of years ago, when we saw big demand in the field across Manitoba.

But the truth is, not many people are aware of how fast this industry is growing...or what supply chain management even is!

We got so many questions about the training, career path, and job options that we decided to bring in an expert to answer them.

Who better to ask than William Rapisarda? He teaches the Supply Chain Management program at Herzing and has been working in the field for almost 25 years.

My Review of the Accounting and Payroll Course at Herzing College

Nov 20, 2019 12:47:10 PM

Photo: Cris Quejada at her new job at Oakpark Retirement Community, where she works in reception and assists with accounting

After Cris Quejada became a permanent resident of Canada, she knew she needed a Canadian diploma to start a successful career here in Ottawa.

She did her research, figured out which business jobs had strong demand, and decided accounting and payroll was the right choice.

6 months ago, she graduated from Herzing's Accounting and Payroll course, and got hired immediately as a receptionist/accounting assistant.

Going back to school and starting a brand new career isn't easy. We interviewed Cris this week to find out what the process was like for her.

We asked her to review the Accounting and Payroll program, including her opinion of the instructors, courses, internship, and career support services.

Check out this interview to learn more about Cris and her experience at Herzing.

Here's How Occupational Health & Safety Officers Save Lives

Sep 9, 2019 9:56:19 AM

Updated January 2024

Accidents on job sites and work-related deaths are a major problem in Canada. The latest numbers from the Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada say over 900 people died on the job in 2022.  

Every year on April 28th, Canada observes a national day of mourning for workplace tragedies. This day serves to remind us of the pain and suffering caused by job site injuries and deaths—to families, loved ones, and entire communities. 

It’s also a stark reminder that many of these accidents are preventable.  

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