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Considering Supply Chain Management? Meet the Teacher, Tour our Program

Nov 21, 2019 12:41:57 PM

William Rapisarda teaches the online Supply Chain Management program at Herzing, and is an Associate Category Manager with Cabela's Canada

We started offering a Supply Chain Management program at Herzing a couple of years ago, when we saw big demand in the field across Manitoba.

But the truth is, not many people are aware of how fast this industry is growing...or what supply chain management even is!

We got so many questions about the training, career path, and job options that we decided to bring in an expert to answer them.

Who better to ask than William Rapisarda? He teaches the Supply Chain Management program at Herzing and has been working in the field for almost 25 years.

My Review of the Accounting and Payroll Course at Herzing College

Nov 20, 2019 12:47:10 PM

Photo: Cris Quejada at her new job at Oakpark Retirement Community, where she works in reception and assists with accounting

After Cris Quejada became a permanent resident of Canada, she knew she needed a Canadian diploma to start a successful career here in Ottawa.

She did her research, figured out which business jobs had strong demand, and decided accounting and payroll was the right choice.

6 months ago, she graduated from Herzing's Accounting and Payroll course, and got hired immediately as a receptionist/accounting assistant.

Going back to school and starting a brand new career isn't easy. We interviewed Cris this week to find out what the process was like for her.

We asked her to review the Accounting and Payroll program, including her opinion of the instructors, courses, internship, and career support services.

Check out this interview to learn more about Cris and her experience at Herzing.

Here's How Occupational Health & Safety Officers Save Lives

Sep 9, 2019 9:56:19 AM

Updated January 2024

Accidents on job sites and work-related deaths are a major problem in Canada. The latest numbers from the Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada say over 900 people died on the job in 2022.  

Every year on April 28th, Canada observes a national day of mourning for workplace tragedies. This day serves to remind us of the pain and suffering caused by job site injuries and deaths—to families, loved ones, and entire communities. 

It’s also a stark reminder that many of these accidents are preventable.  

Want to Work in Accounting and Payroll? 5 Steps to Take First

Sep 6, 2019 1:08:56 PM

Updated December 2023

What’s it really like to work in accounting and payroll? Will you feel happy in this role? What about job opportunities where you live—how hard will it be to find your first job? 

All good questions for anyone considering a career in this field. If you’re thinking about investing in accounting and payroll training, you need answers to these questions before you get started. 

That’s what this post is all about. These are the first five steps you should take and the things you should know before you start training and commit to this career path. 

My Review of Herzing's Business Administration Program and Internship

Jun 19, 2019 12:03:45 PM

Maria Aquino (far right) poses with business students and faculty at the Herzing College Winnipeg campus

A lot of people choose business administration training because it opens up so many different career paths. Accounting, marketing, sales, management, client services...this program builds a strong foundation in several key areas of business.

And that's exactly what Maria Theresa Aquino was looking for when she started the Business Administration program at Herzing earlier this year.

Is Business Training Right For You? 5 Things to Consider

Feb 18, 2019 1:32:30 PM

Updated December 2023

A business diploma is one of the most versatile training programs you can pursue. The skills taught in this program open doors to a wide range of career options—and courses can be completed in two years or even less.

We meet with hundreds of students every year, many of them considering careers in business. Are you one of them? How do you know if this program is right for you?

4 Excellent Reasons to Get a Diploma in International Commerce

Feb 13, 2019 1:37:35 PM

Updated January 2024

International commerce is the business of importing and exporting goods. It's a massive industry worldwide, and a key part of Canada's economy. In 2021, the value of Canada’s exports was a whopping $484 billion--and its imports came to $467 billion.

Exploring your options for a career in business? Why not consider the growing field of international trade?

9 Signs You'd Make An Excellent Business Student (and Professional)

Jan 23, 2019 3:40:02 PM

Updated December 2023

How do you know if you're a good fit for business training? Before you spend thousands on tuition and invest the time in studying, how can you be sure this path is right for you?

These are crucial questions for any student—questions you absolutely should be asking. College is a big investment of time and money.

The point of training is to build on your natural skills and get qualified for a career you'll be great at and truly enjoy.

So before you take the next step, consider the nine points on this list. These are some clear signs you're suited for business training and would be successful in this career path.

Manage a Business or Start Your Own: Which Career Path Fits You Best?

Jan 4, 2019 1:40:46 PM

Updated December 2023

You don't need a university degree to successfully manage a team or start your own business.

The world is full of incredibly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs who never attended or finished university, but still managed to build incredible empires.

Apple mastermind Steve Jobs; legendary Vogue editor Anna Wintour; culinary superstar Rachael Ray (she didn't even have formal cooking training). And let's not forget billionaire founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson...these are just a few examples of brilliant business leaders who never earned business degrees.

Starting an Import/Export Career: Training & First Steps for Beginners

Dec 17, 2018 1:25:12 PM

Updated January 2024

Walk into any store (online or in person), and chances are, you'll find products from all over the world.

Whether you're looking at food, clothing, car parts, or electronics, many of the things we buy here in Canada were brought in from foreign markets, by import/export specialists.

Globalization and international transportation networks have made it easier than ever to move products across borders and overseas.

The import/export business in Canada is worth billions of dollars annually. And the latest data from the Government of Canada Job Bank shows steady-to-good demand for import/export professionals in most areas of the country. Every province (except Newfoundland and Labrador) gets at least three out of five stars for employment outlook in this field.

If you've noticed opportunities in this sector and are considering starting your own import/export career, what should you know about breaking into the business?

Here's a look at your employment options, and available training programs, in the field of international commerce.

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