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Winnipeg Needs More Health Care Aides: Should You Get Training?

Dec 17, 2018 9:19:35 AM

Herzing Health Care Aide students pose for a photo 

Are you considering becoming a health care aide (HCA)? Wondering what's involved in training, and whether you'd be a good fit for this career?

There's no one better to talk to than Nancy Scott, RN. Nancy has been teaching full-time for 20 years, and actually helped develop the Health Care Aide Program at Herzing College in Winnipeg.

She started as a health care aide herself, and has brought years of experience, dedication, and passion to the program. In fact, it's because of Nancy's commitment to excellence that Herzing now offers the most comprehensive, cutting-edge health care aide training in Winnipeg.

Which Life Skills Will You Teach as a Community Services Worker?

Dec 11, 2018 3:11:46 PM

Updated December 2023

What exactly qualifies as "life skills"? For many of us, these are abilities we start learning as children and build on as we enter adulthood and become increasingly independent.

We're talking about things like landing a job, managing your finances, keeping yourself healthy, and building good social relationships. Aside from a few bumps here and there, we tend to develop these skills naturally, over time.

Community Support Worker Training: 5 Facts on Family Violence

Dec 6, 2018 10:30:40 AM

Updated December 2023

Helping survivors of family violence is a life mission and true calling for many community support workers (CSWs). The programs and services they deliver at emergency shelters and youth organizations give hope to thousands of people across Canada.

Becoming a Child/Youth Worker After CSW Training

Nov 30, 2018 4:10:57 PM

Updated December 2023

Working with disadvantaged and endangered children is truly a special calling. At-risk youth are one of the most vulnerable populations in our society.

Children facing trauma and crisis require skilled advocates—professionals who are trained to offer protection, support, and services that are specially designed to protect their safety, and create long-term solutions for health and wellbeing.

Interested in becoming a child and youth worker in Canada? Are you considering community services worker (CSW) training to specialize in this branch of social services?

Take a few moments to explore exactly what a child/youth worker is, the responsibilities you'd have in this role, and the skills and training you'll need to get started.

By the end of this post, you'll have a clearer idea of whether this career is right for you, and which steps to take next.

5 Ways Personal Support Worker is the Most Meaningful Job in Healthcare

Oct 23, 2018 1:26:47 PM

Updated December 2024

We've all heard the news and read the stats. Canada's health care system is stretched to the limit. We don't have enough long-term care beds, there aren't enough medical professionals, and we don't know how we'll care for our growing population of seniors.

It's no surprise that in the middle of this challenge, we've seen demand for personal support workers skyrocket.

4 Ways Community Services Workers Change & Save Lives

Oct 10, 2018 4:51:33 PM

Updated December 2023

Community services workers (CSWs) help people dealing with serious personal and social problems. But this career is about so much more than that.

CSWs work with some of the most neglected, forgotten, and stigmatized people in our society.

From teens dealing with addiction, to homeless populations, to battered women, to ex-offenders: community services workers are trained to offer compassionate, practical, hands-on support where it's needed most.

There is no doubt that this work is challenging. But it's also incredibly rewarding and inspiring. Right on the front-lines of our neighbourhoods, CSWs literally change and save lives on a daily basis.

Looking for a career where you can really make a difference? Read on to discover four powerful ways you can transform your community, one person at a time, as a CSW.

4 Popular Career Options After Community Services Worker Training

Jul 16, 2018 5:28:03 PM

A group of Community Services Worker students at Herzing College

Updated December 2023

What will your life look like after community services worker (CSW) training? Where will you work, and who will you work with?

This is, obviously, a key question for anyone considering a career in community services.

Our goal in this post is to give you a clearer idea of your options and opportunities as a freshly graduated CSW.

Working at a Halfway House After Community Services Worker Training

May 28, 2018 3:24:30 PM

Updated December 2023

What happens to someone who has served time in prison and gets released back into the community? How do they find a job and a place to live? Who can they turn to for support to get their life back on track and start building a better future for themselves?

In many cases, ex-offenders find that support at a halfway house. Like the name suggests, a halfway house is a bridge between prison and the outside world—a place that is "halfway" between incarceration and the free community.

Medical Office Administrator Training: The 5 Main Areas of Study

May 18, 2018 10:58:38 AM

Updated January 2024

What kind of person is drawn to medical office administrator training? In our experience, the kind of people who choose this program (and do really well in the career) share a few specific characteristics and goals:

1) They're generally interested in the field of medicine and health care and want to be part of a clinical team.

2) They're natural "organizers" who are fairly detail-oriented and enjoy taking charge.

3) They're practical—these students are looking for a quick training program that will lead directly to a job in health care (rather than pursuing years of university study).

4) Most importantly, they are looking for a career that focuses on helping others—specifically, helping people protect their most valuable asset in life: their health.

What Does a Health Care Aide Do & Where Can You Work After College?

Apr 3, 2018 9:34:20 AM

Updated December 2024

If you live in Winnipeg and want to start a career in health care (without years of university training), becoming a health care aide is an excellent option.

This is a front-line role that involves caring directly for patients and playing a key part in their daily lives. The job is not easy, but if you're passionate about making a real difference in the lives of others, working as a health care aide can be tremendously rewarding.

What should you know about this career path before you commit to a training program?

First, understand exactly what a health care aide does, what you'll study in training, and your job options after college. Let's get started.


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