Manage a Business or Start Your Own: Which Career Path Fits You Best?

Jan 4, 2019 1:40:46 PM

Updated December 2023

You don't need a university degree to successfully manage a team or start your own business.

The world is full of incredibly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs who never attended or finished university, but still managed to build incredible empires.

Apple mastermind Steve Jobs; legendary Vogue editor Anna Wintour; culinary superstar Rachael Ray (she didn't even have formal cooking training). And let's not forget billionaire founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson...these are just a few examples of brilliant business leaders who never earned business degrees.

How Early Childhood Educators Can Handle Helicopter Parents

Dec 27, 2018 3:15:00 PM

Updated December 2023

Is it possible to care for your kids too much? At what point does "helping" and "supporting" turn into "overbearing" and "smothering"?

This is a question you'll find yourself pondering quite often as an early childhood educator (ECE). Or maybe you're a parent and have already wondered how much is too much when it comes to helping your own kids learn and grow.

We're talking about the phenomenon called "helicopter" parenting. In a nutshell, helicopter parents are overly focused on their children. They "hover" over their every move, and take too much responsibility for their child's failures and successes.

Starting an Import/Export Career: Training & First Steps for Beginners

Dec 17, 2018 1:25:12 PM

Updated January 2024

Walk into any store (online or in person), and chances are, you'll find products from all over the world.

Whether you're looking at food, clothing, car parts, or electronics, many of the things we buy here in Canada were brought in from foreign markets, by import/export specialists.

Globalization and international transportation networks have made it easier than ever to move products across borders and overseas.

The import/export business in Canada is worth billions of dollars annually. And the latest data from the Government of Canada Job Bank shows steady-to-good demand for import/export professionals in most areas of the country. Every province (except Newfoundland and Labrador) gets at least three out of five stars for employment outlook in this field.

If you've noticed opportunities in this sector and are considering starting your own import/export career, what should you know about breaking into the business?

Here's a look at your employment options, and available training programs, in the field of international commerce.

Winnipeg Needs More Health Care Aides: Should You Get Training?

Dec 17, 2018 9:19:35 AM

Herzing Health Care Aide students pose for a photo 

Are you considering becoming a health care aide (HCA)? Wondering what's involved in training, and whether you'd be a good fit for this career?

There's no one better to talk to than Nancy Scott, RN. Nancy has been teaching full-time for 20 years, and actually helped develop the Health Care Aide Program at Herzing College in Winnipeg.

She started as a health care aide herself, and has brought years of experience, dedication, and passion to the program. In fact, it's because of Nancy's commitment to excellence that Herzing now offers the most comprehensive, cutting-edge health care aide training in Winnipeg.

Which Life Skills Will You Teach as a Community Services Worker?

Dec 11, 2018 3:11:46 PM

Updated December 2023

What exactly qualifies as "life skills"? For many of us, these are abilities we start learning as children and build on as we enter adulthood and become increasingly independent.

We're talking about things like landing a job, managing your finances, keeping yourself healthy, and building good social relationships. Aside from a few bumps here and there, we tend to develop these skills naturally, over time.

Sustainable Architecture: 4 Popular Green Energy Sources for Buildings

Dec 6, 2018 3:52:19 PM

Updated October 2022

Sustainable architecture is all about finding better ways to construct buildings so their environmental impact is as small as possible. It's about innovation, creativity, technology, and a total commitment to sustainability.

But there are other good reasons to go green. Buildings that happily co-exist with nature are often cheaper to run—a major bonus for clients who want to save costs over the long term, while staying true to their eco values.

Community Support Worker Training: 5 Facts on Family Violence

Dec 6, 2018 10:30:40 AM

Updated December 2023

Helping survivors of family violence is a life mission and true calling for many community support workers (CSWs). The programs and services they deliver at emergency shelters and youth organizations give hope to thousands of people across Canada.

Becoming a Child/Youth Worker After CSW Training

Nov 30, 2018 4:10:57 PM

Updated December 2023

Working with disadvantaged and endangered children is truly a special calling. At-risk youth are one of the most vulnerable populations in our society.

Children facing trauma and crisis require skilled advocates—professionals who are trained to offer protection, support, and services that are specially designed to protect their safety, and create long-term solutions for health and wellbeing.

Interested in becoming a child and youth worker in Canada? Are you considering community services worker (CSW) training to specialize in this branch of social services?

Take a few moments to explore exactly what a child/youth worker is, the responsibilities you'd have in this role, and the skills and training you'll need to get started.

By the end of this post, you'll have a clearer idea of whether this career is right for you, and which steps to take next.

Early Childhood Education: Amazing Things Babies Learn by Age One

Nov 25, 2018 3:30:47 PM

Why is the first year of life so important for childhood learning and development? What's going on in a baby's brain and body during those pivotal 12 months?

If you're planning to work in early childhood education, know that you'll be caring for humans at a key stage in their physical, emotional, and intellectual development.

You'll have a front-row seat to the incredible changes that take place as newborns become toddlers. And you'll see how much your teaching impacts their development as they tackle the challenges of growing up.

Just how important is baby's first year? Take a look at some of the amazing things children can do by age one.

7 Traits of Hugely Successful Graphic Designers

Nov 23, 2018 9:58:41 AM

Glaser, Kidd, Scher, Bass, Bierut...chances are, you've heard of at least one of these graphic design giants. And even if you don't know their names, you'd recognize their legendary work in a heartbeat.

Everyone knows the iconic "I heart NY" sign. Or the universally familiar Jurassic Park t-rex image and logo. Those designs are by globally-renowned graphic designers Milton Glaser and Chip Kidd.

hard hat icon

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