What is a Community Outreach Worker? Jobs, Salaries, Training

Mar 1, 2021 9:51:08 AM

Photo: Community outreach workers distributing Naloxone kits to homeless people

Updated December 2023

Are you drawn to a career in social services, but don't know what types of jobs are available in this field? Or maybe you’re interested in becoming a community outreach worker, but need to know more about what the position involves.

You've come to the right place.

In this post, we'll break down exactly what a community outreach worker does, including the training, career options, and skills required for this position.

We'll also look at some recent job postings and salaries, so you can explore descriptions, employers, and typical pay for this work.

Get a complete overview of the profession, and see if becoming a community outreach worker is right for you.

Health and Safety Training: Diploma Versus Degree

Feb 25, 2021 1:28:52 PM

Updated January 2024

Occupational health and safety (OHS) training focuses on keeping people safe on the job. Students learn how to conduct assessments and develop policies to make sure work environments are safe and healthy.

An increased focus on workplace safety means more employment opportunities are opening up in this field. A government report indicates moderate employment growth in this sector in many parts of Canada.

So the job opportunities are out there. But if you're looking to take advantage of them, it's important to understand the different health and safety training options so you can choose the path that's best for you.

This post explains the similarities and differences between OHS degrees and diplomas. It also describes some key factors you should consider when making your choice.

Cybersecurity Careers: Compare Entry-level Job Options and Salaries

Feb 22, 2021 12:51:02 PM

Updated December 2023

Most people already know there is a global shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals. We know this because every month brings new reports of massive cyber attacks at companies big and small.  

If powerful organizations like Microsoft, NASA, and Adobe can’t stay ahead of the hackers, we must be in serious trouble! 

The problem is lack of talent. Many IT security jobs sit vacant because employers can’t find candidates with the right skillset. Cyber threats are evolving so quickly, we simply aren’t producing enough experts to keep up with demand. 

This begs the question: what kinds of cybersecurity jobs are out there? What career paths can you pursue if you’re just starting out? 

In this post, we’re looking at some typical entry-level to mid-career job options. Compare job titles, responsibilities, and salaries for each role. Get a good overview of the industry and get your cybersecurity career started. 

How to Choose a Good Community Support Worker Course: Tips & Advice

Feb 15, 2021 11:21:27 AM

Image: Volunteering and hands-on training are core components of a quality CSW course

Updated February 2024

Planning to become a community support worker (CSW)? You're on track to a rewarding career with many different job options.

Community services is a challenging, diverse, and quickly growing field. CSWs work in front-line roles, supporting vulnerable populations and helping people lead healthier more independent lives.

So how do you get started?

Your first step is find a quality community support worker course. There are quite a few colleges across Canada that offer this program. How do you know which one to choose?

While you should certainly take the time to do your own research, there are a few key factors that every good community support worker course should offer.

In this post, we outline all the features you should look for when researching CSW training options.

After reading, you will be much better prepared to find a great program to launch your career.

Meet Megan: My Experience in Herzing's 2D Animation Course

Feb 12, 2021 1:46:36 PM

Photo: Megan Winters, 2D animation graduate, Herzing College Ottawa


Wondering what it's like to take an 2D animation course? Have questions about breaking into the animation industry?

Megan Winters is the perfect person to talk to.

She got into 2D animation a bit later in life, after putting several years into an office job. She tried out some different animation schools but struggled to find the right fit.

She even landed a few animation gigs, but needed more advanced software skills to really get her career off the ground.

Fast-forward a few years and Megan's just about finished the 2D animation course at Herzing. The best part? She has already been hired by a major Ottawa animation studio.

We interviewed Megan to get her opinion of the 2D program, and learn more about her career plans after graduation.

Find out what to expect in class and if this training might be right for you.

My Review of Herzing's Sustainable Architecture Program

Jan 29, 2021 3:38:00 PM

Updated September, 2021.

Think you might want a career in architectural design, but have no real idea what training involves—or what it means to study "sustainable" architecture?

You're not so different from Robbie Hart. Robbie was a carpenter for 15 years before heading back to school to study sustainable architecture at Herzing College.

When he first started, he knew very little about eco-friendly design and had no drafting experience. Robbie understood the building process, but he'd never created technical drawings or used CAD software.

Now, just six months after graduation, he has built a successful freelance career as an architectural technician. Robbie is currently working for several companies, including McGee & Associates Inc. in Beaconsfield, Quebec. 

We interviewed Robbie to find out what he thought of Herzing's sustainable architecture program. We also wanted to know how he landed his first clients and how his career is progressing.

Read on for the highlights.

What Exactly is Architectural Drafting & Is This Career Path Right For You?

Jan 29, 2021 3:17:46 PM

Updated December 2022

If you're naturally interested in architecture, the building process, and creative design, you may be considering a career as a draftsperson for an architecture or design firm.

What exactly does an architectural draftsperson do? Where do they work and what kind of training do you need to get started in this field?

There's the university pathway, which could include an undergraduate degree in architecture or interior design. Or there's the college diploma route, which prepares students to serve as architectural technicians who assist architects, engineers, and designers on building projects.

In this post, we'll break down the typical responsibilities of an architectural draftsperson.

We'll also outline possible career paths after college -- and a few other things to know if you're considering training in this field.

Pros and Cons of a Career in Workplace Health and Safety

Jan 29, 2021 1:58:18 PM

Updated December 2023

A career in workplace health and safety can be incredibly rewarding. This field focuses on preventing accidents and injuries on job sites, which is valuable and meaningful work.

Plus, the health and safety industry is growing fast and offers a wide variety of job opportunities.

But like any career, working in health and safety comes with challenges and downsides. What should you know in advance before you start down this path?

In this post, we break down the most common pros and cons of a career in workplace health and safety. We'll give you a clearer understanding of what this role is about, so you can decide if it's right for you.

Let's get started.

What Does a Network Administrator Do? Main Tasks and Responsibilities

Jan 27, 2021 10:41:32 AM

Updated December 2023

Organizations in every industry rely on computer networks. Businesses, hospitals, schools, and government agencies (just to name a few) use networking technology to share information and resources every single day.

Computer networks are systems connected by cables (wired) or wi-fi (wireless). Networks are built using hardware and software and in different configurations depending on the needs of the users.

This includes both LANs (local area networks) and WANs (wide area networks). 

When an organization uses a computer network, they also require someone to maintain, protect, update, and troubleshoot it. That’s where network administrators come in. 

In this post, we’ll explore the main skills and responsibilities of a network administrator. Find out exactly what a network administrator does and the skills you'll need to get hired.

From Stock Boy to President: Meet Accounting and Payroll Graduate, Gleason Uppahuak

Jan 26, 2021 11:22:23 AM

Photo: Gleason Uppahuak in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Gleason Uppahuak started his career at age 13 as a stock boy.

Even then, he understood the value of learning and hard work. He moved slowly up the ranks from the stock room to the customer service team, and finally to the accounting department.

At that point, he reached the limit of skills he could learn on-the-job. Gleason needed professional training in accounting and payroll software, regulations, reports, and financial management.

Going back to school was a natural progression for him. "Education is the key to professional and personal success," says Gleason. "Plus, I always loved math classes at school."

But even Gleason couldn't predict just how far accounting training and a talent for numbers would take him. 

Since graduating from Herzing in 2019, he's managed an entire social housing project and become President of Kivalliq Development Corporation.

From stock boy to president, Gleason is living proof of the power of education.

We interviewed him this week to learn more about his new role, and get his opinion of Herzing's Accounting and Payroll program. Here are the highlights of our conversation.

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