All Graphic-design Posts

Explore Our Graphic Design Program With Instructor Miguel Suarez

Sep 29, 2020 9:50:25 AM

Graphic Design instructor, Miguel Suarez at his home office in Toronto

Miguel Suarez began teaching Herzing's graphic design program in 2017. But his passion for art and design began much earlier, when he was a teenager growing up in the Philippines.

10 Myths About Working in Graphic Design: What's it Really Like?

May 20, 2020 10:01:11 AM

Updated December 2023

Graphic design is probably one of the most misunderstood fields out there. Every year, we meet with students who are interested in applying to this program—but only a few truly understand what a graphic designer does or what it's really like to work in this field.

For one thing, there are a lot more job options than most people realize. And the skillset for graphic designers is quite a bit more complex and technical than you might think. 

How Do You Become a Graphic Designer? The First 5 Steps

Feb 13, 2020 1:43:20 PM

Updated December 2023

Do you need a university degree to be taken seriously as a graphic designer? Can you avoid school altogether and just teach yourself the basics? 

What about free graphic design courses you can find online—isn’t that the best option for an up-and-comer who doesn’t want college debt? 

Graphic design is one of those fields where there are no clear rules on how to start a career. Some professions—like doctor or lawyer or licensed teacher—have very clear pathways for training. You must go to university. You must get certified. It’s not negotiable. 

Becoming a graphic designer is a little different. There’s endless debate between self-taught and schooled designers, and whether formal training is really “worth it”. 

But the truth is, with the growing complexity of design software and digital technology, many designers need formal training to stay ahead of the curve. 

Pros & Cons of a Graphic Design Career: Should You Go For It?

Apr 30, 2019 2:42:35 PM

Updated December 2024

What exactly is graphic design? This might seem like a really obvious starting point to this blog post—but it's key to knowing if this career path is truly right for you.

7 Traits of Hugely Successful Graphic Designers

Nov 23, 2018 9:58:41 AM

Glaser, Kidd, Scher, Bass, Bierut...chances are, you've heard of at least one of these graphic design giants. And even if you don't know their names, you'd recognize their legendary work in a heartbeat.

Everyone knows the iconic "I heart NY" sign. Or the universally familiar Jurassic Park t-rex image and logo. Those designs are by globally-renowned graphic designers Milton Glaser and Chip Kidd.

Working in Graphic Design for Film & Television: What Would You Be Doing?

Jul 10, 2018 1:03:12 PM

Updated December 2023

When most people think about graphic design jobs, they envision working in marketing or advertising, doing websites and logos and creating promotional materials for print or digital.

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