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6 Rules of Email Etiquette Every Administrative Assistant Should Know

Aug 1, 2017 12:20:34 PM

Updated December 2023

Can you guess how many emails the average business person sends and receives in a single day?

Market research from the Radicati Group says we've reached about 124 emails per day. And that number keeps getting higher every single year.

Even before COVID, there was a growing number of people working remotely.  And since the pandemic, work from home has become the new normal.

That's a lot of emailing!

If you're considering becoming an office assistant, you can rest assured that one of your primary tasks will be to sort through, respond to, and send out emails. 

Consider this: There may be certain colleagues and clients you never even meet face to face, and only communicate with over email. Their impression of you (and the company you represent) will be formed entirely on the basis of your emails. So it's worth taking note of a few do's and don'ts!

Start with this list of six golden rules of email etiquette for administrative assistants.


Your First Job After a Business Diploma: 4 Popular Entry-Level Options

Jul 31, 2017 9:15:05 AM

Updated December 2023

One of the first questions students ask when considering a college program is, "What kinds of jobs can I get with this diploma?" Since many people pursue college training to launch a new career or improve their current prospects, this question is both valid and necessary.

Genuine interest in a program of study is key, but only part of the equation. It's crucial for people to map out where a diploma will take them post-study, and how they'll make the often challenging transition from student to professional.

Working in Procurement After Supply Chain Management Training

Jul 21, 2017 2:03:29 PM

Demand for procurement specialists, purchasing agents and officers is steady from coast-to-coast in Canada, according to the latest data from the Government of Canada Job Bank. 

Waves of retirements, a shortage of trained job candidates, and growth in the supply chain industry is creating opportunities for new grads in this role—and in other areas of supply chain management, such as logistics and transportation and materials/inventory sourcing.

Considering heading back to school to earn a supply chain management diploma? Wondering what kinds of career paths you might pursue after training?

Working as an Import/Export Clerk: Duties, Skills, Challenges

Apr 24, 2017 8:21:46 AM

Updated January 2024

Import/export clerks play a key role in managing the movement of products to and from foreign countries. They work for air, sea, and road shipping companies, retail businesses, and industrial companies.

They're also employed by export management companies who help other enterprises sell goods abroad.

Any organization that buys products from overseas, or wants to sell goods in foreign markets, needs the help of an import/export clerk to coordinate the shipping and delivery process.

Products may include everything from clothing and electronics to cement and other raw materials. The marketplace is truly vast.

Precisely what role does an import/export clerk play within the sphere of international commerce? What's it like to work in this field?

Why International Trade Research is Key for Your Import/Export Career

Feb 20, 2017 9:30:46 AM

Updated January 2024

Imagine navigating in the dark without GPS, booking a hotel without first checking reviews, or making a major purchase without comparing prices or product features. You might get lucky, but it's far more likely that you'll end up lost, disappointed, and way over budget!

Every day, we use advance planning and research tools to get the best deals, avoid financial risk, and make smarter consumer decisions.  

Similarly, for import/export companies, the research process is absolutely crucial for making informed business decisions within the global marketplace.

Without international trade research, importer/exporters operate in the dark, taking enormous risks and ignoring the many variables that can undermine their business.

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