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My Review of Herzing's Personal Support Worker Program

Jul 22, 2020 11:21:50 AM

Photo: Krizia Mae Macusi at Hillel Lodge where she was hired as a Personal Support Worker after graduating from Herzing last May.

Hillel Lodge Hires Our Entire Class of Personal Support Worker Students!

Apr 30, 2020 12:58:57 PM

Residents of Hillel Lodge, the only charitable, Jewish, faith-based long-term care facility in Eastern Ontario

As most people know, the COVID-19 crisis has been particularly stressful and dangerous for elderly citizens in long-term care facilities. 

Older people with weakened immune systems or pre-existing health conditions are more vulnerable to the novel coronavirus.  

Meanwhile, social distancing rules have also taken a toll, isolating seniors from family and friends, and restricting their participation in community activities. 

Never have we relied so heavily on the dedication, skill, and compassion of long-term health care professionals to keep our loved ones safe and well. Nurses, care home staff, and personal support workers are on the front lines of this struggle.

My Review of the Accounting and Payroll Course at Herzing College

Nov 20, 2019 12:47:10 PM

Photo: Cris Quejada at her new job at Oakpark Retirement Community, where she works in reception and assists with accounting

After Cris Quejada became a permanent resident of Canada, she knew she needed a Canadian diploma to start a successful career here in Ottawa.

She did her research, figured out which business jobs had strong demand, and decided accounting and payroll was the right choice.

6 months ago, she graduated from Herzing's Accounting and Payroll course, and got hired immediately as a receptionist/accounting assistant.

Going back to school and starting a brand new career isn't easy. We interviewed Cris this week to find out what the process was like for her.

We asked her to review the Accounting and Payroll program, including her opinion of the instructors, courses, internship, and career support services.

Check out this interview to learn more about Cris and her experience at Herzing.

My Experience in Herzing's MOA Diploma Program

Sep 23, 2019 12:46:02 PM

Wondering what it's like to become a medical office administrator (MOA)? Want to know more about training, careers, and getting started in this field?

Who better to talk to than Priscilla Grant? Priscilla recently completed the medical office administrator program at Herzing College Ottawa.

She went straight into a full-time medical office position after graduation and has transitioned very smoothly into her new career.

And she did it all while working part-time and caring for two children under the age of six!

We interviewed Priscilla earlier this month to learn more about her story and see how things are going at work.

Find out what Priscilla thought of Herzing's MOA program, her most and least favourite parts of training, and how she landed such a great job at Carefor Health and Community Services.

Here are the highlights from our conversation.

Meet Pauline: Becoming a PSW Changed My Life

Aug 27, 2019 1:14:28 PM

Pauline Hughes-Derome, Personal Support Worker student at Herzing College Ottawa

At 58 years old, Pauline Hughes-Derome figured it was too late to change careers. And at her age, she assumed going back to school wasn't even an option.

After all, she already had a stable job in accounting, years of business experience, and no reason to make a move. 

But then everything changed when her sister got cancer, and Pauline became her primary care-giver. 

Meet David: Computer Networking Grad Lands the Perfect Job

Jun 27, 2019 10:10:09 AM

David Thibodeau on graduation day at Herzing College (computer networking technology program)

You really never know where life will take you. Most people switch jobs several times before settling into the right position. Others head back to school later in life to learn a completely new set of skills—and end up in a career they never imagined.

David Thibodeau is a perfect case in point. He started a career in computer technology 10 years ago, gave it up to work in construction—and then found himself back at Herzing last year, studying tech all over again!

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