The Greater Good

By Fred Standil
Student Services Advisor at Herzing College

 Over the years at Herzing, I have come across numerous examples of people “doing the right thing”. This ranges from politeness and manners to acts of kindness and compassion.

While it is tempting to touch on all that is wrong in the world, this is not the space for such observations. Instead, I want to bring to mind the capacity for each and every one of us to do our best insofar as “doing the right thing” is concerned.

Awareness is the critical component in this equation. When we see garbage lying around where it does not belong, do we mindfully make a modest effort to put it in the garbage can? If someone looks upset, do we intentionally attempt to cheer them up? If we happen to drive a vehicle, do we make it a point to move over or stop for those who have the right of way?

Many of the students I have taught have shown marked change for the better. Were they transforming into superheroes before my eyes? Hardly. Rather, they were activating their consciousness and staying in the moment as much as possible.

We cannot always be “on”. The human condition is such that life throws challenges our way and we are affected physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is not about keeping score and judging others. In fact, truth be told, there is only ONE person we should all be actively judging. That, of course, is ourselves.

Life is short. Everyone is seeking meaning and the power of positive feelings. This is just a reminder to realize that small acts of kindness are the foundation of building a good society. Do your part. And while you’re at it, give yourselves a pat on the back when it is warranted!

Looking out for the “greater good” should be instilled in us at birth. While we go through the human lifespan, we all need to nurture this coveted quality.

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