
By Fred Standil

Student Services Advisor at Herzing College Winnipeg

While pursuing one’s education brings with it a host of new challenges, there is at least one behaviour that is commonly displayed by most students: procrastination.

Simply defined, procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing the tasks for which we are responsible. It is basically self-defeating, which is a common human behaviour when expectations and requirements demand that we increase our effort levels.

Typically, procrastination results in short-term benefits that are accompanied by long-term costs. The key question to be answered is whether ongoing procrastination interferes with our ability to be successful in our everyday lives.

Causes may include high levels of anxiety and insufficient impulse control. Once again, these are not unusual patterns for students returning to post-secondary education after lengthy periods outside of the learning environment.

Ironically, while we may feel some immediate relief in the form of stress reduction, we often feel higher levels of stress in the long term. This can negatively impact our physical well-being.

The list of reasons why people procrastinate is extensive. Research in this field tells us that a wide range of mental health issues are often contributing factors.

There are, however, a few basic strategies you can adopt that will significantly reduce your tendency to procrastinate.

  1. While it is easier said than done, just jump right into the task. Train yourself to stop analyzing the situation. This takes time and discipline, but, like other things we do that are beneficial, you will find it easier as you progress.
  2. Break your assignments into small/manageable parts. Do not see beginning your studies as an “all or nothing process.”
  3. Get organized. Prioritize your responsibilities and schedule routine work periods.
  4. View your studies the same way you would approach a position in the workplace.
  5. Be consistent in choosing your work environment. You will soon begin to associate your physical space with doing your schoolwork and it will become second nature.

While procrastination is a big issue for many people, following these basic guidelines should propel you towards greatly reducing (if not totally eliminating) it. As always, good luck!

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